Bulletin 01.06.2010
Striking a Balance, GPC Consultation
The GPC “Striking a balance” consultation asks how, especially in the context of the current economic climate and increasing demand for services, General Practice can be protected, developed and strengthened in line with patient, public and GP priorities. Please forward this consultation to your patient participation groups. The consultation website is www.strikingabalance.org.uk and a pdf copy of the consultation can be downloaded from here.
CQC Registration – prevention and control of healthcare associated infections
CQC registration will apply for NHS GPs from April 2012. However, in some areas (though we have not been alerted to this in Tees) PCTs are telling practices that, because of CQC, they must fully comply now with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for the NHS on the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections. There is an ongoing consultation on how the Code of Practice will relate to primary care but at the moment it is guidance only and it is not yet necessary to fully comply.
In 2007, the GPC agreed that for the year 2008/09 there would be a one off arrangement between the Department of Health and BMA that GP tiered contributions would be based on their 2006/07 pensionable pay as declared on their annual end of year 2006/07 certificate regardless of what they actually earned in 2008/09. Further details on this tiered contribution system are available here.
Please note that the NICE skin cancer guidance update has now been published. Cancer service guidance – skin tumours including melanoma (2006) & Skin cancer partial update (2010) documents can be viewed here.