Bulletin 16.11.2010

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Bulletin 16.11.2010

GPC Guidance Documents – structure of GP-led commissioning and developing a shadow consortia

The GPC have produced two important guidance documents – they provide advice on the form and structure of GP-led commissioning consortia and developing a shadow consortia. ‘The Form and Structure of GP-Led Commissioning Consortia‘ identifies a range of considerations regarding the discussions that will need to had locally, the relationships will need to built and the decisions that will need to made as this agenda moves forward. ‘Shadow Consortia: Developing and Electing a Transitional Leadership‘ outlines a number of options that will need to be considered when developing the transitional leadership structures that will take shadow consortia forward. It also gives guidance on how to appoint the transitional leadership, giving information about elections, and selection / election processes. It would be beneficial for you to view these documents ahead of the GP Commissioning event on the 18 Nov to help inform discussions and focus your thoughts.

Two New White Paper Consultations Open for Comment

Both consultations close 14 January. Have your say!

An Information Revolution‘ is about transforming the way information is accessed, collected, analysed and used by the NHS and adult social care services so that people are at the heart of health and adult social care services. ‘Greater Choice and Control‘ explains in more detail the proposals which envisage a presumption of greater choice and control over care and treatment, choice of treatment and healthcare provider becoming the reality in the vast majority of NHS-funded services by no later than 2013/14 and seeks the views of patients, the wider public, healthcare professionals and the NHS.

LMC Guidance re Confidentiality and Security Policy Compliance – Cancer Screening Programmes

Practices will have received a request from the PCT with regard to completing confidentiality and security policy compliance paperwork linked to the Cancer Screening Programmes. The LMC believes that this is an unreasonable request given the governance/confidentiality procedures and policies that are already in place and adhered to. We consider practices may decline to complete the paperwork if they feel they wish to. We have taken this request to the GPC in order that it may be pursued at a national level as, it is understood, that this is the consequence of a request made nationally in the first instance. If you have any questions regard this, please do not hesitate to contact janice.foster@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk.

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