Bulletin 01.03.2011

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Bulletin 01.03.2011

QoF/QMAS Underpayments

The BMA FAQs about the QMAS underpayments have now been updated to include questions about tax, pension and seniority issues. This is following the publication of Q&As by the Department of Health.

Overseas Visitors Guidance

The GPC has published ‘Overseas visitors accessing NHS primary medical services’ guidance. This guidance has been written with the assistance of the BMA’s International and Ethics departments.

Vetting & Barring Scheme

The government has announced provisions to revise its vetting and barring arrangements. Information about the reforms, and the scheme remodelling review report, can be viewed here.

CQC Hoax Calls

The GPC have been made aware that the CQC has received reports from care homes and nursing homes that have been targeted by bogus callers requesting the names and PINs of nurses employed there, claiming to be from the Nursing and Midwifery Council or the Care Quality Commission. Phone calls requesting personal data are not the policy of the CQC or the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and GPs and their practice staff should not volunteer any information to these scam callers. Please take as many details from the caller as you can and send the details to the LMC or take the matter to the local police.

NICE Online Resource for General Practice

NICE has launched a new section of its website, designed to help staff in general practice get the most out of evidence and guidance provided by NICE. Specifically created to support the use of evidence-based medicine and public health practice, this online resource offers solutions to enable the uptake of NICE and other national guidance in primary care, and contains a section on how NICE can help GP consortia. Written with help from GPs, practice managers and practice nurses, it hoped it will prove a valuable tool to help to deliver high quality primary care and to improve patient outcomes.

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