Bulletin 08.03.2011

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Bulletin 08.03.2011

Royal Wedding 29 April

Reminder that 29 April 2011 has been declared a bank holiday in the United Kingdom by the Queen. Please note that PCTs rather than practices are responsible for resolving financial issues with contracted OOH providers. NHS Tees is working with providers on the necessary arrangements and a related media campaign to raise public awareness. The LMC will provide an update to all practices shortly.

Clinical Waste Pre-Acceptance Audit

The Environment Agency has now re-published its sector guidance 5.07 for operators of waste disposal facilities. The guidance requires all producers of healthcare waste, including GP practices, to complete an audit of their clinical waste. The deadline for this was originally set for October 2010 but was extended due to the need for further consultation with the waste management industry. GP practices must now provide the relevant information to their waste contractor by 1st July 2011. Practices can either collect the data themselves or employ a third party to do so. Alternatively, the practice’s waste contractor may offer to complete the audit but may charge for this service.

Consultant Involvement in Commissioning

The Central Consultants and Specialists Committee (CCSC) and GPC have produced joint guidance highlighting the implications of the Health and Social Care Bill and the importance of involving secondary and tertiary care clinicians in the commissioning process and enabling consultant involvement.

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