Bulletin 05.04.2011

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Bulletin 05.04.2011

Updated SFE and DES Directions

The updated SFE and DES Directions were made public at the end of last week. Further details GPC guidance will be available shortly. We have had a number of enquiries with regard t the Extended Hours DES. As you will see in the Directions, the PCTs must offer the DES to all practices by 30 April 2011. NEPCSA and NHS Tees are currently discussing the new DES arrangements and will provide updated details to the all practices shortly.

Updated Summary of QOF Indicators

The summary of the QOF indicators has been updated to include more details about the Quality and Productivity indicators.

Media Handling

In the current climate practices may receive an increasing number of requests from the media. It would be extremely helpful if practices could advise the LMC if they have been approached by the media but practices are free to make their own decision as to whether or not they feel comfortable in speaking directly to the media. The LMC and PCT Communications Team are available to offer support in any media handling. You may also wish to consider contacting your MDO for support particularly with regard to performance complaints or GMC cases.

Clinical Waste

Waste disposal legislation requires all producers of healthcare waste, including GP practices, to complete an audit of their clinical waste disposals. The deadline for GP practices to complete their audits is 1 July 2011. You may find this Focus on Colour Coding for Sharps Box document useful.

GPC Annual Report

The GPC’s 2010-11 Annual Report has now been published.

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