Bulletin 20.06.2011

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Bulletin 20.06.2011

CQC Consultation

The Department of Health have launched a consultation on delaying the start date of CQC registration for GP practices to April 2013, while proposing that the registration of out of hours providers and NHS walk-in centres should still go ahead in April 2012. In the consultation, they have said that they remain committed to bringing GP practices into the registration system operated by the CQC, but that a delay would provide the opportunity to ensure that the CQC’s systems, tools and processes have been refined in the light of the experience of the earlier registration rounds and piloting with primary medical services providers. You can contribute to the consultation hereDo not do anything about registering your practice, nor enter into any kind of agreement with any third party to do so.

Blue Badge Scheme

We would like to draw your attention to this correction from the May 2011 DH GP and Practice Team bulletin. It clarifies that local authorities can still currently ask GPs to carry out eligibility assessments for the Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Scheme. However, this will change from 2012, when local authorities will have to use mobility assessments that are undertaken by professionals who are independent of an applicant’s care. Under the new system, GPs may still be asked to provide factual information to be used in these assessments. The intention of this change is to move from a system where GPs are perceived to make these decisions about patients to one where, when necessary, GPs only provide facts for the local authority to use in their assessment.  Providing factual information for a local authority is a collaborative arrangement function and is fee paid by the PCT at the practice’s rate.

LMC Conference Resolutions

This LMC Conference Newsletter contains details of the outcome of all the resolutions debated as well as election results.

Business Rules V20.0

Version 20.0 of the QOF business rules have been published here.

2 Week Wait Advice to Patients

It is important that all patients are advised as to why they are being referred to a 2 ww service, including the concern that the symptoms and/or signs indicate the possibility of cancer. The mention of cancer is key as that is the whole reason that they are being referred so quickly. You may find it helpful to use these 2ww leaflets – North Tees Patient Information and South Tees Patient Information – which also include instructions to the patient about contacting the hospital the next working day to obtain their appointment date and time. Choose and Book has now been extended to include 2ww appointments in North Tees and South Tees will be following shortly. It is very important that patients are provided with as much information as possible irrespective of the referral path taken.

Homeless/Temporary Residents Access to Primary Care

A patient has the right to the appropriate NHS care irrespective of whether they are homeless/temporary resident and practices should provide an appropriate appointment to access appropriate treatment. If an individual presents you have a duty to provide immediate/necessary/emergency treatment and can provide this to the patient as a temporary resident or register them with your practice if it is appropriate to do so. If your list is open and/or you would see other temporary residents then you cannot discriminate on grounds of homelessness and direct the patient elsewhere.

An individual requesting to see a doctor ASAP should receive the same treatment/triage as any other patient would receive and it may be appropriate to inform the patient of the other options available to them but you should never direct them elsewhere purely to manage capacity.

General Practice Awards 2011

You may be interested in entering the General Practice Awards (formally known as the Management in Practice Awards, now also including GP Business and Nursing in Practice publications) to recognise and reward individuals as well as teams for the work they have carried out. Further details are available here and the closing date is 30 June 2011. This nomination pack contains everything you need and nominations can be emailed to emeliebratt@campden.com. The categories are:

  • General Practice of the Year
  • Commissioners of the Year
  • Practice Manager of the Year
  • Practice Administration Team of the Year
  • General Practitioner of the Year
  • Practice Nurse of the Year
  • Health Visitor of the Year
  • Community Nurse of the Year
  • Nurse Practitioner of the Year
  • Nursing Team of the Year
  • Innovators of the Year
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Children’s Health
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Sexual Health
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Long-term conditions
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Respiratory
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Cardiovascular
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Nutrition
  • Clinical Team of the Year – Dermatology and Tissue Viability


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