Bulletin 12.09.2011

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Bulletin 12.09.2011

Seasonal Flu

The GPC has written a letter to all GPs to remind them of the arrangements for the seasonal flu vaccine programme in 2011/12. Evidence show that patients in at-risk groups are much more likely to die from seasonal flu than healthy individuals, and given that the seasonal flu vaccine uptake in the at-risk groups in patients under 65 and pregnant women was much lower last year than that recommended by the WHO, we would encourage practices to ensure that those in the at-risk groups are given priority. We would also encourage practices to ensure that staff are protected. You should have received a raft of ‘flu campaign’ promotional material from the PCT (Parkway Couriers) last week. Please display this material and if you have any queries or wish to order more, email Alison Sweeney. You may also wish to follow/share the Twitter campaign messages (@NHSFluFighter).

Patient Transport for Referral to Hospital – appropriate use of ambulances

As you will be aware, NEAS provides an urgent ambulance service for GPs to convey patients to hospital, within 1, 2 or 4 hours according to clinical need, as well as providing emergency 999 responses within 8 or 19 minutes. The PCT and NEAS have been carrying out a review of this service in a bid to better utilise existing resources to provide a more efficient and effective service for patients and GPs. This review has found a number of requests for emergency ambulances when an alternative method of transport (or 2/4 hour wait) may have been more appropriate. We appreciate that there are a number of routes and numbers to remember when arranging transport so we have produced this simple flow chart to assist practices with the booking process.

Please share this chart with all those in your practice who book/arrange patient transport. Considering the options on this chart will ensure that NEAS are better able to respond to 999 and urgent calls and will also, potentially, contribute to essential PCT savings (each urgent ambulance journey costs approx. £197). It is important that practices protect their patients, and themselves, whilst assisting NEAS when arranging acute admissions. We are currently reviewing a letter sent to practices some years ago and will shortly provide advice/checklist when arranging acute admissions, including transport.

BMA Membership – ensure your details are up to date

The BMA have asked us to assist them in ensuring all their members are aware of the need to ensure their membership details are up to date. NHS reform, public sector pension changes and the need for the NHS to make huge efficiency savings are very likely to create a period of unprecedented change for doctors. To protect yourself, it’s essential that you keep up to date with how your role and career may be affected. To do this and to allow the BMA to represent you as effectively as possible, the BMA need an up-to-date picture of all their members, including where you work. Don’t risk being left out – help the BMA to help you by checking your contact details and profile to ensure BMA records are accurate.

There are three ways to update your details, simply:
• update your details securely – www.bma.org.uk/myworkplaces
• Email: info.pow@bma.org.uk
• call our membership team on 0207 383 6955 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)

North East Health Protection Agency – new telephone numbers

Telephone numbers for all staff at the North East Health Protection Agency (Citygate office) have now changed to the following:

Telephone: 0844 225 3550
Fax: 0191 221 2584

The change will not affect the service the HPA provide. Please note that the address and email details remain unchanged.

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