Bulletin 27.09.2011

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Bulletin 27.09.2011

RCN Indemnity Scheme, 1 Jan 2012

This RCN letter highlights details to a change in the indemnity scheme they offer and may have implications for practices if their nurses are not named on the doctors’/ practice cover.

Health & Wellbeing Boards Guidance

The GPC has released this guidance relating to Health and Wellbeing Boards. The Boards will work to encourage collaboration between local authorities and health professionals, linking health care, public health and social care. They will also have potential to yield considerable sway over CCGs, as they will have a role in scrutinising commissioning strategy (although this in itself could be very useful for CCGs seeking assurance that a commissioning plan is free from perceived or actual vested interest). This guidance urges GPs and CCGs to involve themselves in the establishment of the Boards and foster good relationships.

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