Bulletin 01.11.2011

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Bulletin 01.11.2011

Nov 30, Day of Action

The BMA has issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) and information regarding the forthcoming Pensions Day of Action on 30 November, including specific guidance for GP partners. The information can be accessed via the website here. If your practice is likely to be effected in any way (including staffing level concerns) please contact the LMC.

Instalment Prescriptions for Controlled Drugs

The LPC has raised concerns with the LMC with regard to the wording used when completing instalment prescriptions for controlled drugs and, in particular, the of a requirement to now itemise instalment dates and quantity for controlled drugs. You may find this template text a useful guide when completing these prescriptions.


The 2010/11 QOF achievement and prevalence data has been published by the NHS Information Centre here, including a statistical bulletin, an online database and a set of detailed data tables. Average achievement has increased from 93.7% in 09/10 to 94.7% in 10/11. The 2010/11 QOF exception reporting data will be published on 16 November 2011. QMAS has gone live with the 2011/12 changes to the QOF business rules. The Connecting for Health website has further details. Details of when GP System Suppliers have been certified to rollout their updated software can be found here.

Voluntary Recall of Preflucel Influenza Vaccine

The Department of Health has announced a recall of the influenza vaccine Preflucel, batch number VNV5L010C. This a precautionary measure taken due to a higher than expected frequency of reports of adverse reactions following use of vaccine from this particular batch. Alternative low-egg content influenza vaccines are available that can be used safely in those with severe egg allergy as described in the influenza chapter of the Green Book.   Further information is available in this letter from Professor David Salisbury, Department of Health (England).  Chapter 19 (Influenza) and Chapter 25 (Pneumococcal) of the Green Book have also been updated accordingly.

Seasonal Flu Vaccine Strategic Reserve

DoH hold a strategic reserve of 400,000 doses of flu vaccine for use in England in the 2011/12 flu immunisation programme, which can be used as an ‘insurance policy’, in case there are problems with supply. The reserve will be available through the ImmForm website only if manufacturers have no supplies available to order.  If practices have no stock of flu vaccine or is running out the DH advises the following steps:

1. First try contacting suppliers to buy additional stock.

2. If none is available, find out if this is temporary or permanent. If temporary, then place an order from that delivery date onwards.

3. Work out how much stock is required to meet patient needs until supplies are available from manufacturers, or to the end of the flu season.

4. Speak to local colleagues and the PCT flu lead or immunisation co-ordinator to see if any supplies are available locally.

5. If the PCT confirms that no stock is available locally, order stock from https://www.ImmForm.dh.gov.uk, to meet patient needs. Manufacturers advise the Department of Health on their stock levels and the reserve will only be accessible when there is no vaccine available to order from suppliers. Vaccines should be ordered sparingly to help prevent the stockpile running out. Vaccines will usually be delivered in one to two working days.

GP Provider (Non-GP Provider) Certificate of Pensionable Pay

Please be aware that every Salaried GP must, in law, complete the ‘type 2 self -assessment form‘ (under heading GP Providers Certificate) at year end; this is to ensure that they have paid the correct rate of tiered contributions. There are also Newsletters published on the NHS Business Service Authority website which will keep you informed of any pensions issues such as tiered contributions, the £50k annual allowance, etc. The next Newsletter will clarify the ’24 hour retirement rule’ for Practitioners.

Pensions Dynamising Factor

The dynamising factor for April 2012 will be 6.7%. This is as a result of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures, released this week, of 5.2%. The Retail Price Index (RPI) for September 2011 was 5.6%.

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