Bulletin 10.01.2012

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Bulletin 10.01.2012

How to Set Up a Sessional GP Group
This guidance aims to share some of the models of good practice, and successful ideas and raise awareness about pitfalls of Sessional GPs groups which have been recognised as providing invaluable peer support for sessional GPs. Models differ but there are some common themes and challenges with groups offering a range of services and benefits, including educational and social meetings, electronic mailings systems for vacancies and educational events. Sessional GPs may experience professional isolation and reduced access to education, clinical information and career opportunities. Newly qualified GPs and GPs new to an area are particularly vulnerable to this. Whilst newly qualified GPs now have access to a range of ‘First5’ initiatives, sessional GP groups have the advantage of putting younger GPs in contact with more experienced GPs.

Cervical Cytology Training
Further to our update in our last bulletin we would like to clarify that the principles (of there being no contractual requirement for update cervical cytology training) outlined in the letter extend not only to GPs but to others employed by practices to carry out the services including practice nurses.

Injury Benefits Review
The outcome of an NHS review of its injury benefits scheme, which currently provides benefits to GPs who suffer injuries and a resultant loss of earnings as part of their employment , is that the current Injury Benefit Regulations are to be replaced by contractual provision held within a new section of the Agenda for Change (A4C) Terms and Conditions Handbook. Future injury benefit provision would be limited to the period of the employment contract only. GPC’s legal advice on this matter is that GPs should consider getting their own injury benefits insurance.
Full details of what is covered as part of the benefits can be found here

Retainer Scheme
Despite a decrease in the number of participants in recent years, the retainer scheme remains a good option for those GPs who, for a variety of reasons, such as family commitments, need to undertake a reduced number of hours. It allows GPs to retain their skills and keep in touch with general practice. GPs who are interested in the scheme should contact their Deanery.

Blue Badge Scheme
Please be aware that under the new Blue Badge Scheme payment for the completion of any factual evidence provided by a GP to support an application should be paid by, and requested by, the LA under a collaborative arrangement. If a patient approaches you directly on LA advice you should direct them back to the LA. Please contact the LMC if you patients contact you directly.

Revised Focus on Travel Immunisations
The BMA have published this revised Focus on Travel Immunisations guidance following some minor amendments to the document printed last year.

Business Insurance Reminder
Practices are reminded to ensure that all staff who use their own transport for business purposes (to travel to and from branch surgeries, patient homes, care homes etc) are covered for business use on their personal/private motor insurance.

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