Bulletin 17.01.2012

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Bulletin 17.01.2012

Dealing with Complaints or Investigations Advice
Cleveland LMC represents and assists all GPs in Tees – irrespective of employment status and contract type. We always recommend that you contact us as soon as possible if you have any questions or find yourself in circumstances where support could be beneficial. The LMC can particularly provide assistance with regard to any performance issues if you are contacted by NEPCSA/PCT. This letter was drafted to assist you at, what could be a difficult time, and remind you of the support that is available when you need it most. Please remember to contact us as soon as possible for confidential support however trivial the issue may appear.

Commissioning News
It is important that ALL GPs are aware of key developments in GP Commissioning. GPC would like to highlight that the NHS reforms in England are moving at breakneck speed and in different directions depending on where you live. The decisions being made now (about democratic processes in CCGs, constitutions of CCGs, appointments and plenty besides) are crucial for many reasons, not least in determining whether in future, the local profession will be able to hold their CCG to account. If you feel concerned about any commissioning developments in your area or need advice, then you should get in touch with the LMC. The BMA have also published this commissioning update which includes the latest on the Health and Social Care Bill and how the reforms are impacting on the ground. This issue focuses on the Authorisation Process for Clinical Commissioning Groups.

Eric Gambrill Travelling Fellowships
The Eric Gambrill Memorial Fund is seeking applications for up to two Travelling Fellowships, to be awarded in Spring 2012. The value of each Award is £3,000.Those eligible for the Award will be fully trained and practising UK general medical practitioners. In recognition of Dr. Eric Gambrill’s interest in general practice, education and travel, the successful applicants will be expected to undertake a study or project as part of his/her professional career development.

For more information, see the Fund’s website.

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