Bulletin 06.03.2012
Continuity in a Changing World; 100 years of GP Representation
In the ever changing NHS landscape we often cite how the LMC is one of the few, if not the only, local organisation with a long memory. Faces have changed but the knowledge is passed on and continues to be available to assist local GPs in representing their interests in a local, regional and national forum. LMC, along with the BMA, have just celebrated their 100th birthday. Continuity in a Changing World; 100 Years of GP Representative Bodies reflects on the last century and GPC Chairman, Laurence Buckman recently wrote this letter to all GPs marking the celebrations with views on representation in the current NHS.
Commissioning Outcomes Framework
The BMA has submitted a response to the NICE consultation on the proposed Commissioning Outcomes Framework stressing the need to ensure that outcome measures are achievable and within the influence of CCGs, and that CCGs and practices are not overburdened with bureaucracy. It is proposed that the Commissioning Outcomes Framework (COF) will be used by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB) to measure the performance of CCGs in relation to the NHS Outcomes Framework. Indicators will be developed from NICE quality standards, the NHS Outcomes Framework and existing indicator collections.
The BMA have also restated their opposition to proposals for a ‘quality reward’ for commissioning. It is vital that CCGs are fully resourced from the outset in order to commission effectively and any financial incentive for commissioning raises serious ethical concerns about the doctor-patient relationship and risks cultivating compliance with central direction, as opposed to promoting a locally-focussed and truly clinician-led commissioning system.
QOF Version 22 Business Rules and Quality & Productivity Guidance
The GPC and NHS Employers have published this joint supplementary guidance and FAQs for the 2012-2013 QOF quality and productivity (QP) indicators which is intended to assist practices and primary care organisations (PCOs) in understanding and working through the new QP indicators. Version 22 of the business rules, which supports QOF 2012-13, has also been published. The Average Contract Register Population (CRP) value has been updated on QMAS from 5891 to 6775 (in England). The 6775 figure was calculated using the list sizes from Exeter as at 1 January 2012. The updated figure will now be used going forwards in all additional services calculations. The change went in on 18 February 2012 and will result in an increase in achievement for all practices in the additional services domain.
CQC Guidance
The CQC has published its new Overview of Registration guidance, providing general information about how the registration process will work.
Website Cookies – Important Practice Information
If your practice website uses cookies you may need to be aware of recent changes to the law, outlined in guidance from the Information Commissioners Office. Cookies are small files of letters and numbers downloaded to a user’s computer when they access certain websites. They allow a website to recognise the user’s device. The previous rules on cookies said that websites had to inform users how they use cookies and that they could ‘opt out’ if they wished. Most websites did this through their privacy policies. In 2011 the laws on cookies were extended. Cookies can now only be placed on machines where the user or subscriber has given their consent, although this does not apply to cookies that are ‘strictly necessary’ for a service requested by a user. An example of a ‘strictly necessary’ cookie would be when a user chooses goods they wish to buy from a website, clicks ‘add to basket’ and then proceeds to the next page – the site ‘remembers’ what they chose on a previous page using a cookie. User consent would not be needed for this type of cookie.
The ICO does not produce a definitive list of ‘strictly necessary’ cookies. In the context of GP practice websites, cookies might be used to allow users to request a repeat prescription, or book appointments. If the cookie is strictly necessary for the service requested by the user, then explicit user consent is not required. Other cookies, such as those used to collect statistical information on usage of the site, are not strictly necessary and user consent is needed. Each organisation has to decide whether user consent is needed for each cookie they use. We recommend that practices read the ICO guidance, which includes practical advice on types of cookies and how to comply with the regulations.
Transparency Agenda
In May 2010 the Government made commitments as part of a ‘Transparency Agenda’ which came into force from November 2010 stating that all new contracts agreed by NHS bodies should be published. The BMA have received confirmation from DH Procurement, Investment and Commercial Division that this applies to private sector providers and will include all contracts for goods and services. If the contractor wishes to state that something is commercially sensitive that they do not want to publish as part of the contract this could be communicated to the authority in a separate letter. However, any commercially sensitive information is subject to the Freedom of Information Act as is the rest of the contract.
The Transparency Agenda additionally made the following commitments which are now reflected in the NHS procurement policy:
All new Information and Communication Technology (ICT) contracts over the value of £10,000 to be published in full online from July 2010.
All new tender documents for contracts over £10,000 to be published on a single website from September 2010, with this information to be made available to the public free of charge.
New items of spending over £25,000 to be published online from November 2010.
All new contracts to be published in full from January 2011.
The Cabinet Office published this guidance on publication of new contracts, which applies to all NHS bodies. See section 2.16 on Contract Extensions (for renewal of contracts) and 2.17 on Re-tendering a contract (for new contracts).
The guidance states that departments are recommended to publish, where relevant, the following, or the nearest equivalent, as a minimum:
Advertisement of the requirement (e.g. Prior Indicative Notice, OJEU notice)
Estimated procurement timescales
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
Invitation to Tender (ITT) – includes requirement and Terms and conditions.