Bulletin 29.05.2012
Outer Boundaries
You will shortly receive information from NEPCSA regards outer boundaries (together with a contract variation/Statutory Instrument). When considering outer boundaries it is the practice decision as to what this boundary will be and there is provision for outer and normal boundaries to be the same where areas are extensive. If you have any concerns/questions when agreeing outer boundaries please do not hesitate to contact the LMC and we will be happy to discuss this with you.
Jubilee Bank Holiday
As you are aware, next weekend is a ‘double bank holiday’ (Bank Holidays are 4th and 5th June) which will bring with it the usual capacity and surge issues that we always see over a 4 day weekend. The PCT are looking to do some communications with patients around making the right choices as to where to go for care and also to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time (similar to that which they did for the Royal Wedding last year). We have also requested they notify of which pharmacies are open to assist all providers to appropriate direct patients. I am sure this is all in hand but posters to patients and timely reminders to ensure they have ordered their repeat prescriptions are always helpful as, inevitably, someone will pitch up expecting you to be open!
QMAS Underpayments
The Department of Health has informed PCTs that they are required to correct payments to practices for the 2010/11 QOF achievement payments now that actual data is available. This guidance highlights an error within the QMAS and includes an action to make the necessary adjustments by the end of June 2012.
Supplying Medicines within Healthcare Services
The MHRA have issued a statement in advance of the imminent repeal of section 10 (7) of the Medicines Act 1968. This change, part of wider consolidation to the Medicines Act, removes the exemption for pharmacies required to hold a Wholesale Dealer’s licence for the supply of medicines other than directly to patients or members of the public. This letter to organisations clarifies how the MHRA plans to enforce this legislative change. To summarise their position, the MHRA have taken the view that “the supply of medicines by community and hospital pharmacies to other healthcare providers in the UK who need to hold stocks for treatment of, or onward supply to their patients represents an important and appropriate part of the professional practice of both community and hospital pharmacy, and falls within the definition of provision of healthcare services. In such circumstances the MHRA will not deem such transactions as commercial dealing and pharmacies will not be required to hold a Wholesale Dealer’s Licence”.
GP Trainee Elections
Nominations are now open for regional representatives on the GPC GP Trainees Subcommittee. Elections are being held for each of the 19 regional constituencies – nominations are open to all those on, or about the begin, a GP training programme – whether they are BMA members or not. Full details, including nominations forms, are available on the BMA website here. All nominations must be received by the GPC office by 5pm on Friday 22 June 2012.