Bulletin 10.07.2012
As you will be aware, the CCGs are currently working on their Constitution in preparation for Authorisation. The CCGs have been working with the LMC and the Constitutions will be considered at the LMC Board meeting on Tuesday 10 July. Once we are in a position to share our views on the documents with all practices we will do so prior to any practice signatures being requested. The GPC has provided this information on a number of CCG related topics.
The CQC are sending out this letter to practices registering with them by April 2013, inviting you to set up an online account on their website. As part of this process, you will be asked to pick a 28 day window between September and December 2012 for submitting the application form. If you have not received a letter by the end of July, and you think you should register, you should contact the CQC at 2012registration@cqc.org.uk. This LMC PowerPoint presentation (from the LMC event of 5 July) together with this GPC guidance about the registration process and accompanying appendix has been designed to assist you but if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact the LMC or CQC.
Sharing Patient Information
Practices are increasingly receiving requests on sharing patient information, particularly with regard to risk stratification. Risk stratification is considered as a secondary use of data and, therefore, any release of patient identifiable information must be subject to existing legal and ethical principles. Patient identifiable information should remain within the practice unless explicit patient consent is obtained or there is another legal basis for the disclosure such as approval under section 251 of the NHS Act 2006. Identifiable patient information should not be accessible to other staff, including clinicians, unless they are providing direct care for that particular patient. The BMA has produced this guidance to assist in dealing with requests for data for secondary purposes.
Agency Workers Regulations Guidance
This guidance on the Agency Workers Regulations will be useful for all locums who are engaged by agencies, as well as practices who hire them.
GMC Continuing Professional Development Guidance
This GMC Continuing Professional Development guidance for all doctors has been developed in co-operation with doctors, medical Royal Colleges, employers, patients and the public, and follows widespread public consultation earlier this year. It is hoped doctors will use it to reflect on how their learning and development improves the quality of care they provide to patients and for the service in which they work. The guidance describes:
- How doctors should plan, carry out and evaluate their CPD activities.
- The importance of taking account of the needs of patients and of the healthcare team when doctors consider their own learning needs.
- How doctors should reflect on the Good Medical Practice domains when evaluating their CPD needs.
- The relationship between CPD and revalidation.
- The use of appraisal, job planning and personal development plans in managing CPD and how to record CPD activities.
- The responsibilities of others, such as employers and Colleges, in supporting doctors’ CPD.
Vaccine Update June 2012
The Department of Health published their vaccine update for June, which contains useful information on: HPV immunisation programme – change of supply from Cervarix to Gardasil from 1 September 2012; Flu vaccination uptake reports for Winter 2011/12; Deliveries of vaccines during Olympic and Paralympic games; and Process of ordering of vaccines through ImmForm.
Services That Should Not Be Provided By GPs Guidance
GPs are increasingly being asked to provide services to patients residing in institutions or homes where the types of services expected do not fall under the responsibility of primary care. This revised GPC guidance has been developed to help GPs decide whether or not the treatment they are providing in institutions and residential homes falls within the remit of standard primary medical services contracts.
Control of Asbestos Regulations
Given the number of queries raised on Asbestos Inspections following the Annual Returns earlier this year we thought it may be helpful to share the link to this short guidance note on the implications of the Health and Safety Executive’s revision of the Control of Asbestos Regulations.