Bulletin 31.07.2012
Seasonal Flu Call & Recall Arrangements
The DH provided the following clarification of assurance on flu vaccination planning:
Following the publication of the CMO’s letter of 3 May, there has been some concern raised by GP practices about the GP checklist for assurance on flu planning, specifically the entry:
Robust call and recall arrangements
1. Patients recommended to receive the flu vaccine will be sent a letter, inviting them to a flu vaccination clinic or to make an appointment.
The flu DES requires practices to adopt robust call and reminder systems to contact patients in order to maximise uptake. It is not explicit about the system adopted. Research shows sending a letter to be effective and is therefore included in the checklist as one of the ways PCTs can be assured of GP practice plans. GPs are expected to use their judgment on the best way to reach patients in order to meet the DES requirement and so this should be taken into account when seeking assurance of local plans.
Guide to a Session for GP Trainees & Trainers
The GP Trainees Subcommittee has published this “Guide to a session for GP trainees and trainers” in conjunction with COGPED that has been drafted to replace the previous ‘Guide to a session’ (January 2009).
GP Trainees Subcommittee Newsletter
This newsletter covers matters of interest to doctors in GP training including information on education, training, contracts, terms & conditions of service and the NHS reforms in England, as well as information on getting involved with the subcommittee.
Locum GP Forum
The online community for doctors, doc2doc, has recently launched a dedicated forum for GP locums. This forum provides an arena where locum GPs can get involved and network with fellow locum GP colleagues – discussing experiences with colleagues from across the UK and gaining insight from others in similar situations. Registering online to create an account is quick and straightforward.