Bulletin 14.08.2012
Sessional GP Newsletter
This summer edition of the Sessional GP Newsletter includes key articles on issues relevant to salaried and locum GPs, including items on pensions, taxable expenses and insurance cover. A feature article on sessional GP involvement with LMCs is also included in this issue.
GP Trainees Subcommittee Elections
As of August 3rd, ballot papers will be sent out for elections to the GP Trainees Subcommittee in the Northern Deanery. The deadline for votes to be received by the Electoral Reform Society is 5pm on Friday 24th August, so if you have not yet received a ballot paper (by August 10th) and you feel that you should have, please get in touch with Christopher Scott via cscott@bma.org.uk who will make sure that ERS send out ballot papers to all eligible voters.