Bulletin 16.07.2013

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Bulletin 16.07.2013

Flu Vaccine for Children
Following some confusion about the process for ordering flu vaccine for children, NHS England has confirmed that Fluenz is the recommended vaccine for children and that this will be centrally supplied. Practices will be able to request the vaccine via IMMSFORM. Where two and three year olds are contraindicated to Fluenz, contractors will be required to make an alternative Inactivated Trivalent Influenza Vaccine (TIV) available. Inactivated TIVs which have already been ordered by GPs for two and three year olds in clinical risk groups can be utilised for the contraindicated two and three year olds. Practices will be reimbursed for this as per children in clinical risk groups. If practices experience difficulties in sourcing inactivated TIV for the contraindicated 2 and 3 year olds please contact the ImmForm helpdesk on 0844 376 0040 which will be able to assist in ordering inactivated TIV. Further information will be available in the tri-partite letter which will be issued shortly.

Flu Advertising Campaign and Vaccine Shortage Notifications
Due to lack of evidence that advertising campaigns have any positive effect on seasonal flu take-up rates, NHS England has decided against having a national flu campaign this year. Their research found that whilst seasonal flu advertising did raise awareness of the vaccine it did not motivate people to get vaccinated. It found the biggest positive influence on seasonal flu vaccine uptake was a recommendation from a health care practitioner, be that in person, via letter or telephone. Additionally, there have been no reports from suppliers of potential shortages this year but Public Health England will inform of any problems via the vaccination newsletter for health professionals and immunisation leads.

Shingles Vaccine FAQs and Supporting Information
NHS England, Public Health England and the Department of Health have published this letter and FAQs explaining the introduction of a vaccine programme for people aged 70 years (routine cohort) and 79 years (catch-up cohort) to protect against shingles, available on the DH website. Links to these documents will also be available on the on the BMA website vaccination page.

Major Drug Recall by Wockhardt
The MHRA has issued a precautionary major drug recall of products manufactured by Wockhardt. Pharmacies, dispensing clinics and wholesalers have been asked to return 16 different prescription only medicines in a variety of strengths, made by Wockhardt Ltd, following manufacturing deficiencies identified by the MHRA at Wockhardt’s Waluj site in India. Note: patients do not need to return their medicines because there is no evidence that the medicines affected by the precautionary recall in the UK are defective, and patients should, therefore, continue to take their medicines as prescribed.

The drugs affected and further information is available on the MHRA website.

Premises Development Previously Approved by PCTs
Issue 6 (5th July) of the NHS England primary care commissioning newsletter contained this article regarding premises developments that were approved by PCTs before 1 April 2013, stating that if an agreement for premises development had been agreed in writing with the PCT then NHS England are bound to honour this.

Action on Hearing Loss
One in six of the population has some form of hearing loss, rising to over half of people over 60 years old. This is a condition affecting a high proportion of patients, and yet they can face issues when visiting their GP, from communication problems to difficulties booking appointments, as outlined in a recent report from Action on Hearing Loss entitled Access All Areas. Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID), have asked us to promote the information they have for GPs to assist in understanding how surgeries can be made more accessible to people with hearing loss.

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