Bulletin 15.10.2013

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Bulletin 15.10.2013

Data Entry for Quality Services with CQRS
CQRS has sent out a communication providing GP practices with information on manually entering data for Enhanced Services. GP practices will need to manually enter data on CQRS for supported Enhanced Services in order for payments to be calculated via CQRS for the remainder of the 2013/14 financial year. This decision has been made to provide more time to successfully deliver the QOF 2013/14 extractions. The full CQRS message can be read here.

Prescription Direction
The GPC has published a joint statement with the PSNC and Pharmacy Voice on prescription direction which reminds practices and pharmacies that proper prescription practices should be followed and highlights activities to avoid in order to maintain good practice. A related online article has also been published by BMA News.

NHSmail User Survey 2013
The NHSmail user survey 2013 is now open. The NHSmail team at the Health and Social Care Information Centre are currently planning for NHSmail 2 which will replace the current service – they are keen to hear your views and understand how you use your account. Every NHSmail account will have received an email inviting them to complete the survey, but if you can’t find it please email feedback@nhs.net. We recommend that users take part – it should only take a few minutes of your time and the survey is open until 28 October. The full results of the survey will be published in the NHSmail newsletter.

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