Bulletin 17.06.2014

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Bulletin 17.06.2014

CQRS Guide for 14/15 Enhanced Services
CQRS has now been updated to support the following services (14/15) as of 4 June 2014:

  • Rotavirus (Routine childhood vaccination)

  • Learning disability health check scheme

  • MMR aged 16 and over vaccination

  • Meningitis C (freshers) vaccination

  • Hepatitis B (newborn) vaccination

This now allows practices to participate and provide achievement data for the services via the CQRS system. For the monthly programmes that began in April 2014 (MMR, Meningitis C and Hepatitis B), practices will need to enter the first three months of data into CQRS. These services will be manual entry on CQRS for the duration of the financial year. Guides on these enhanced services on CQRS can be found here. For further information on CQRS, the service desk can be contacted via email: cqrsservicedesk@gdi.com.

Change to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
The Home Office Circular 008/2014: A change to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 – Control of NBOMes, Benzofurans, Lisdexamphetamine, Tramadol, Zopiclone, Zaleplon and Reclassification of Ketamine came into force on Tuesday 10 June. Please see below for the changes to the control of Tranadol and Zioiclone:

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Ketamine etc.) (Amendment) Order 2014 inserts tramadol as a Class C drug in paragraph 1(a) under Part III of Schedule 2 to the 1971 Act. Tramadol is inserted into Schedule 3 to the 2001 Regulations, with the effect that it is subject to regulations 14 (documentation), 15 (prescription writing), 16 (supply on prescription), 18 (marking of containers), 22, 23 and 24 (record-keeping and preservation of registers), 26 (furnishing of information) and 27 (destruction of the drugs only in presence of an authorised person) of the 2001 Regulations. Tramadol is also being inserted into Schedule 1 to the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973, which means it is exempted from the safe custody requirements.

Zopiclone and Zaleplon
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Ketamine Etc.) (Amendment) Order 2014 inserts zopiclone and zaleplon as Class C drugs in paragraph 1(a) under Part III of Schedule 2 to the 1971 Act. Zopiclone and zaleplon are also inserted into Part 1 of Schedule 4 to the 2001 Regulations, with the effect that they are subject to regulations 22 and 23 (record-keeping and preservation of registers), 26 (furnishing of information) and 27 (destruction of the drugs only in presence of an authorised person) of the 2001 Regulations.

New GPC Online Community for Practice Networks, Alliances and Federations
The BMA recently launched a new online initiative, called Networks-L, which will provide a digital space for GPs with an interest in practice networks, federations or alliances to share learning, best practice and insights about these new working arrangements. The forum is one of GPC’s first steps toward offering greater support for practices looking at new models of working. The GPC has also produced this guidance 
about collaborative GP alliances and federations. Networks-L is best suited to those GPs, especially group leaders, whose practices are already federated or in a network or alliance, or those whose practice is exploring new models of working. Networks-L was developed following a GPC survey which revealed that GP practices are looking for more support and information about new models of collaborative working. To join Networks-L email Karen Day at kday@bma.org.uk.

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