Bulletin 18.11.2014

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Bulletin 18.11.2014

CQC Intelligent Monitoring Data on GP Practices
These FAQs provide details on the CQC Intelligent Monitoring Data tool, which helps inspectors prioritise when, where and what they will focus on when they inspect. This tool draws on existing national data sources, such as Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and the GP Patient Survey, and includes indicators covering a range of GP practice activity and patient experience. Based on 39 indicators, each GP practice will be categorised into one of six priority bands, with band 1 representing the highest priority for inspection. CQC  emphasise these bandings are in no way ratings or judgements on the quality of care being given by a GP practice – that only comes after a CQC inspection. This is one tool of many, and one part of the wider information we gather to help inform our inspections. Practices can view their individual reports, including priority banding, via the CQC website and the public also have access via a postcode search.

Out of Area Registration
All practices have received the specification and guidance for out of area registration via email from the Area Team. If you have not received this please contact Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk. Deadline for sign up is Friday 28 November and practices are advised to remind themselves of the GPC guidance on this issue. This agreement purely pertains to the delivery of care for patients choosing to register with a practice outside their area of residence. It is for individual practices to decide as to whether they wish to contract with the area team to provide care for patients who live within their practice boundary, or beyond, but are registered elsewhere bearing in mind the required information flow, monitoring, payment and validation requirements. Regulations are in place for practices to register out of area patients and you do not need to sign this agreement should you choose to do so. However, practices are strongly advised that they should NOT currently register any patients to whom they do not intend to provide home visits until they have sought and obtained assurances from the area team that arrangements are in place for individual patients. It would neither be clinically appropriate nor practical to register patients without home visits whilst there is no assurance that arrangements for their care outside of the practice area are in place.

Sessional GP Newsletter
This first monthly GPC e-newsletter for sessional GPs focuses on the implications of the 15/16 GP contract agreement for sessional GPs, a survey on sessional GP experiences of appraisal and revalidation and some guidance on the relationship between sessional GPs and LMCs.

Cameron Fund Loans Scheme and Christmas Appeal 2014
May we draw your attention to this Cameron Fund Guaranteed Loans scheme for GPs who are undergoing retraining and experiencing financial difficulty? Also, it is that time of year again when the Cameron Fund seeks your support for their Christmas Appeal – apologies for mentioning Christmas in November! The Cameron Fund is the only medical benevolent fund that solely supports GPs and their relatives at times of need. The Christmas Appeal to colleagues has made a real difference to the Cameron Fund in the past and the continuing work they do to support your colleagues.

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