Bulletin 17.03.2015
List Closure, GPC Guidance
GPC has issued the following additional ‘list closure’ guidance on the options available to practices, which is based on material in ‘Quality first: Managing workload to deliver safe patient care’.
Displaying CQC Ratings, CQC Guidance
CQC have published final guidance for providers on meeting the new requirement to display CQC ratings in their premises and online. These ratings tell the public whether a service is outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate. Key points to note from the guidance:
- If you have been awarded a rating (outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate) from CQC, you must display it in each and every premises where a regulated activity is being delivered, in your main place of business, and on your website(s), where people will be sure to see it. This is a legal requirement from 1 April 2015.
- Your ratings must be displayed at the premises where your service is being provided unless you are delivering care to someone in their own home.
- CQC will assess whether or not your ratings are displayed legibly and conspicuously when we inspect.
- CQC will make posters for physical display of your rating available to download from their website. CQC strongly recommend you use these posters as they will help you ensure you meet the requirements of the regulations. You will be able to access your posters from the CQC website from 1 April 2015. Information about how to download and print your posters is available here.
- You have a maximum of 21 calendar days to display your ratings from the date your inspection report is published on the CQC website.
The requirement to display ratings comes into force from 1 April 2015. If you have already received a rating from CQC prior to this date you will have 21 calendar days from 1 April in which to download, print and display your poster(s) for physical display and to make amends to your website to meet the online display requirement.
DES Specifications for 15/16
The GMS contract documentation for 2015-16, including enhanced services specifications and QOF guidance, will soon be published by NHS England. The clinical enhanced services specifications (for Childhood flu, Seasonal flu and Pneumococcal, Men C, Pertussis for pregnant women, Shingles catch up, and Dementia) are already available.
New Care Model Vanguard Sites, GPC Update
This GPC update provides a brief Focus On the new vanguard site.