Bulletin 21.07.2020
Bulletin 21.07.2020
- COVID-19 Fund
- GPC England guidance on arrangements for GP services for remainder of 2020/21
- Face coverings
- Joint guidance for remote intimate clinical assessments
- Shielding guidance for staff on returning to work
- Tax on COVID-19 testing by employers
Update on GP services for 2020/21 - NHS Health Check: Restart Preparation
- NHS pressures and back log of services
- Clinical guidance on maintaining immunisation programmes during COVID-19
- Patients being redirected to NHS111
- Faulty PPE
- Easing lockdown measures and the need for local infection data
- COVID-19 care home support service
- NHS Confederation report on PCNs
Social Prescribing Link Worker report - GP appointment data
- GP patient survey results
- RCGP report – General Practice in a Post-COVID World
- BMJ Learning clinical guidance: COVID-19 in primary care
- Judicial Review against the Northamptonshire safeguarding partners
- Mental health and wellbeing – looking after your practice team
- BMA COVID-19 guidance
- Other COVID 19 resources
- GPC GP Bulletin