Bulletin 02.03.2021
Bulletin 02.03.2021
- Lockdown restrictions loosening
- GPC GMS Contract Webinar 2021/22
- COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
- Signposting patient to access Covid vaccinations via pharmacy
- Vaccinating people with a learning disability
- vaccinating people with Severe Mental Illness (SMI)
- COVID-19 Clinical Risk Assessment Tool (QCovid)
- Vaccinating those aged under 18
- Vaccination cohort 5
- Vaccination patients who are HIV positive
- Studies on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy
- Updated BMA COVID-19 risk assessment tool
- Annual allowance repayment scheme 2019/20
- Medicine Delivery Service
- 21/22 Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) applications: NOW OPEN
- GPCC Durham/Cleveland elections