Bulletin 15.06.2021
Bulletin 15.06.2021
- Delay in roll-out of patient data sharing programme (GPDPR)
- COVID-19 vaccination programme
- Extending the medical examiner into primary care
- New PCSE pay and pension system update GP registration for in/under-documented migrants
- PCN Funding
- Reminder – Pension guidance for retired doctors
- Fall in prescription items dispensed
- Reminder: Deadline for THE EU SETTLEMENT Scheme – 30 June
- BMA Specialist and Professional Committee elections
- BMA webinar: Board of science discussion event – Long Covid, 16th June 10.00am-12.30pm
- VWV Webinar: General practice – current and future issues update, 3pm 24 June 2021
- BMA Law Webinar: Mediation & Dispute Resolution, 29 June 1pm
- GPC GP Bulletin