Bulletin 05.10.2021
Bulletin 05.10.2021
- Tackling abuse and aggression towards GPs
- Consultant support for GPs
- Support your surgery campaign
- Boosters for health care staff
- Medical exemptions
- Vaccine Data Resolution Service (VDRS)
- Flu Vaccinations for primary care contractors and frontline staff
- NHS 111 Booking into general practice
- Medicines Delivery Service extension
- GP Recruitment Campaign 2021
- Tees Valley Training Hub: New Respiratory Surge in Children programme now available
- Restorative Just Culture Training Offer – 14 free places
- Learning/Sharing opportunity: READY Paramedics – A Review of Paramedics Working in General Practice, 14 October 2021, (am – 11.30am
- GPC GP Bulletin
- GPC Sessional GP Bulletin
- BMA COVID-19 guidance
- Mental Health and wellbeing – looking after you and your practice team