Bulletin 14.02.2012
084 Telephone Numbers
The GPC understands that a nationally coordinated initiative has recently begun by PCTs to remind practices that they must take ‘reasonable steps’ when reviewing arrangements for the use of 084 telephone numbers, as defined by the Directions to NHS bodies concerning the cost of telephone calls 2009 in paragraph 2(3b), to ensure that the cost of calls made by patients is kept to a minimum.
There are now very few practices in Tees who have an 084 number and, we understand, all those who do have reviewed their arrangements and are operating within the Directions. However, we would like to remind you that GPC’s legal advice on this matter is that practices should take ‘reasonable steps’, but this does not mean practices should break existing agreements with telephony service providers that will incur financial penalties. When the time comes for new agreements to be made with telephony service providers, all practices will be expected to adhere to the regulations in full. For those practices who remain in existing agreements, they should still take all ‘reasonable steps’ as far as is possible, but they are not expected to incur financial penalties as a consequence.
Practice Lease Arrangements
Following the implementation of the Department of health’s Stocktake and Stabilise Project, an auditing initiative designed to ensure PCT documentation is in order prior to handing over responsibilities to the NCB and CCGs, it has come to the GPC’s attention that, in many cases, practices do not have premises leases but licences to occupy. These licences carry fewer liabilities, but are weaker to defend legally and some PCTs will be asking practices to sign formal leases. Cleveland LMC has discussed this with Tees PCTs who are working through the process but do not currently envisage any problems for Tees practices as it seems that Tees leases have succession arrangements already so we only anticipate a change in landlord details. We will maintain dialogue with the PCT on this and if the picture changes we will keep you informed but if, in the meantime, you are approached with a new formal lease you are advised to contact the LMC in the first instance and not to sign leases until you have sought legal advice as they may make you responsible for any unnecessary liabilities.
Updated Medicines Section Patient Liaison Group Patient Resource
The BMA’s Patient Liaison Group (PLG) has updated its ‘Working together for better health’ patient resource to provide more detailed information on medicine waste. The resource features practical tips for patients on how to avoid wasting medicine, together with details of how to dispose of unwanted medicine safely.