Bulletin 02.07.2019
Bulletin 02.07.2019
- Digital First Primary Care Policy Consultation
- Premsies Review Report Published
- NHSPS Service Charges
- Pre-Registration Service for Patients leaving the Detained Estate
- Sexual health Teesside Newsletter
- Items Which Should Not Routinely be Prescribed in Primary Care: an NHS E update and a consultation on further guidance for CCGs
- PCSE Monthly Bulletin
- NHS Bed Pressures
- NHS Long Term Plan Implementation Framework
- HPV vaccine for Boys (England)
- Advice for Retention of GP Pension Documentation
- Quality Improvement Module Simulation Workshop
- RCGP Calls for Whole-System Approach to Improving NHS Care for Transgender Patients
- Junior Doctors’ Contract
- BMA Safe Staffing Project
- BMA Annual Representatices Meeting Update
- READY Paramedics: A survey on the deployment of paramedics in primary care
- GPC Newsletter