Bulletin 09.08.2011
SFE (amendment 02) Direction 2011
A number of minor amendments to correct typographical errors have been made to the SFE in England. These can be accessed here.
As you may be aware, 111 is to be implemented across England from April 2013. The North East is looking to be ahead of the game, not least due to Darlington being a 111/single point of access pilot, and is planning to procure the service by April 2012. The service in Tees is being wrapped up as part of an overarching North East region procurement to find a 111 provider to cover the whole region. The tendering element of the process is now underway. I am sure you are aware of 111 and what it aims to achieve but for clarity, and put simply:
- NHS 111 is about providing a memorable number that works nationally and has a clear service specification behind it.
- Calls to 111 are to be answered by locally commissioned call answering services.
- NHS Direct is one service that might bid to answer the 111 calls in any area, the ambulance services and GP out of hours services are other possible bidders for that business as well.
- NHS Pathways is a clinical assessment suite, with an integrated directory. It has been selected for use in current NHS 111 pilots, and is also selected for use by around half the ambulance services for 999 call assessment and several GP out of hours and single point of access services across the country. A decision to use NHS Pathways will form part of local commissioner decision making in identifying the approach for handling 111 calls in their area.
Typherix and Hepatyrix Vaccines
There have been reports, nationally, of recent supply chain problems with Typherix and Hepatyrix vaccines. The Department of Health have now published an update on the situation.
“A delay in a new manufacturing facility coming on line at GSK has meant that capacity normally reserved for producing typhoid antigen has had to be switched to the production of critical childhood vaccines. This situation is expected to last until the end of 2013. Current stocks of Typherix are expected to last until the end of July, and Hepatyrix until the end of the year. GSK stresses that this break in supply has nothing to do with vaccine quality or safety issues. Alternative Hep A vaccines are available from GSK, Sanofi Pasteur MSD or Crucell while typhoid vaccines are available from Sanofi Pasteur MSD or Crucell.
For more information please contact GSK’s customer contact team on 0808 100 9997, Sanofi Pasteur MSD’s customer service department on 0800 085 5511 or Crucell’s customer services on 0844 800 3907.”
The full article has been published here.
Resource for Doctors Providing Assistance at Sporting Events
The BMA’s Board of Science has published this updated version of its resource for doctors providing assistance at sporting events and includes specific guidance for doctors providing medical care at the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The aim of this resource is to provide information for doctors who are interested in providing medical care at sporting events in a professional (whether paid or unpaid) capacity. In particular, it emphasises the importance of a doctor contacting their medical defence organisation prior to assisting or providing care at a sporting event.