Bulletin 22.11.2011
We have been made aware of a possible scam operating in the area in the name of HMRC. If you are contacted by email with regard to the HMRC and/or in relation to tax arrears we would recommend you contact the HMRC directly prior to responding.
Children Who DNA Hospital Appointments
Following concerns with regard to children who DNA hospital appointments North Tees Foundation Trust have discussed a process for children who have been previously seen and new patients who DNA. The GP is asked to complete this proforma. The Trust will commence using these documents on 1 December 2011
Accountability in New NHS Structures
The GPC has recently published a discussion paper on scrutiny and accountability in the new structures, in collaboration with the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS), a charity promoting transparent and accountable working in the public sector. The CfPS and GPC encourage GPs to ensure that their clinical commissioning group is working in a transparent and open manner, to help constituent practices and the local profession hold CCG leads to account, and to involve patients and the public in the decisions being made about their care.
QMAS has gone live with the 2011/12 changes to the QOF business rules. Details of when GP System Suppliers have been certified to rollout their updated software can be found here.
We would like to remind practices that indemnity cover for work undertaken by practice nurses as part of their employment will no longer be provided by the RCN indemnity scheme and, we again remind, practices that they should to check their indemnity arrangements to ensure that the work carried out by their practice nurses and all practice staff is appropriately covered.
If any GP would like to undertake research, or study for something that will improve their practice, or the wider community, then the Claire Wand Fund may be able to pay for some or all of the costs. Application to the Trustees is simple and the process will make it clear whether the Fund is likely to support you or not. This is a fund for GPs and is open to every GP. Follow this link to find out whether you are able to access this money set aside for GPs to improve their education for the benefit of patients.
Grants totalling approximately £500,000 are annually awarded by the BMA to encourage and further medical research. Applications are invited from medical practitioners and/or research scientists and are for either research in progress or prospective research. Subject specifications for each grant vary. For example, in 2012, research areas range from rheumatism and arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer to the uptake of preventative measures and the use of information and communication technologies in medicine. For more information on the grants on offer in 2012 and details on the application process which commences 13 December 2011 and closes 16 March 2012, please see the research grant section of BMA website.