Bulletin 31.03.2009

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Bulletin 31.03.2009

QoF Guidance 09/10
The QOF guidance for 09/10 has now been published. This is the third revision of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), which was introduced as part of the new GMS contract in 2004. Revisions to the QOF were made in 2006 and 2008 and, following a review of the evidence by the QOF expert panel, a further revision has taken place to commence from 1 April 2009. This includes a re-allocation of points to heart failure, chronic kidney disease, sexual health, anxiety & depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension and diabetes. The guidance provides the detail to the initial agreement reached between the GPC and NHS Employers announced in October 2008. View guidance here. This is also available on the BMA website here

These changes are independent from the changes to prevalence which are to be introduced from April 2009. More detail on the prevalence changes is available on the BMA website here

What will this year’s DDRB report mean for your practice?
Publication of this year’s Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) report is expected very soon. This year’s arrangements for translating any uplift recommended by the DDRB into practice resources are more complicated than in previous years. So, what will the DDRB’s recommendations mean for your practice?
View guidance here.

Cleveland LMC FAQs/GP Reminders
We have had a number of questions on similar/related topics so have collated these into a simple ‘reminders’ list. Please take time to look over these to refresh yourself as the topics are very important.
Review reminders here.

Managing disputes with PCO’s
Updated guidance is available to all BMA members by following this link.

No PDF Available.