Bulletin 31.01.2012

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Bulletin 31.01.2012

Commissioning News
This week the Government published more information about the development of CCGs, including final guidance relating to the authorisation of CCGs and proposals for commissioning support. Although timescales are tight, it is important that GPs and CCGs do not make decisions about their structure or support until they are ready – these decisions need to be well thought through and have the support of local practices, GPs and LMCs. This BMA Guidance highlights key issues to consider as CCGs enter into the authorisation process, such as the role of LMCs and appointment and elections to CCGs.

Medicine Reconciliation
NHS Employers have produced a film about medicines reconciliation which may be of some interest to GP practices. This film aims to highlight the role each sector plays in medicines reconciliation, particularly hospital pharmacy and goes through the medicines pathway from a patient’s point of view, demonstrating that both hospital and community pharmacists can work together to improve patients’ understanding of their medicines. The film builds upon this guidance published by NHS Employers and the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) for hospital colleagues and community pharmacists to help the transfer of care between settings.

BMA Research Grant
The BMA was among the first of the professional bodies to award grants and prizes to encourage and further medical research. Today, around ten research grants are administered under the auspices of the Board of Science, all funded by legacies left to the BMA. Grants totalling approximately £500,000 are awarded annually. Applications are invited from medical practitioners and/or research scientists and are for either research in progress or prospective research. Information and application details for the 2012 research grants are now available here. The application deadline is 16 March 2012 at 5pm. Subject specifications for each grant vary. For example, in 2012, research areas range from rheumatism and arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer to the uptake of preventative measures and the use of information and communication technologies in medicine. If you have any questions about the BMA research grants, or would like to receive alerts about them, please contact Chris Wood at info.sciencegrants@bma.org.uk  or telephone 020 7383 6755.

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