Bulletin 30.06.2015

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Bulletin 30.06.2015

Certification and/or GP Appointments for School Absence
We have been made aware of schools Tees seeking sick notes or authenticity of absence due to illness. We are currently writing to all Local Authorities on this issue and the CCGs are supportive of our position as this places unnecessary demand for GP appointments. This CLMC policy letter has been updated and may prove useful for practices to provide to patients in response to these requests.

Meningococcal B (Men B) for infants
This enhanced service specification to deliver Meningococcal B vaccination has been agreed. The programme is for three doses of vaccine at 2, 4 and 12 to 13 months. This programme will commence on 1 September 2015 and will run to 31 March 2016. There will be a payment of £7.64 per dose plus £2.12 (to recognise additional workload) with a total fee of £9.76 per dose.

Government’s New Deal, GPC Focus On
This GPC Focus on .. guidance note provides an overview and brief analysis of the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt’s ‘New Deal for General Practice’, set out in a speech delivered on 19 June 2015.

GP IT Lot3
GPs can begin ordering from Lot 3 straight away with details about services offered available in an online catalogue – this catalogue, to which GPs are entitled, includes Docman and BMJ Informatica Frontdesk. Services will be funded by local organisations via a call-off agreement and they will be able to negotiate some of the contract terms relating to delivery of the services, such as service management and implementation provisions.

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