Bulletin 29.10.2019
Bulletin 29.10.2019
- NHS Practitioner Health
- Flu Immunisation for Practice Staff
- Supply issue with the Flu Nasal Vaccine
- PCN Clinical Pharmacists – extension to transfer deadline
- PCN Conference 2020
- Social Prescribing Academy Launched
- Rules on IR35 are Changing
- CCG – Practice Agreement for the Provision and Receipt of Digital Services in General Practice
- Rollout of Electronic Prescription Services
- NAO Investigation into Pre-School Vaccinations
- Interim Findings of the Vaccinations and Immunisations Review
- Supply Alerts for Seroxat (paroxetine), Opicapone and Mitomycin-C Injection
- Withdrawal of Serious Shortage Protocol for fluoxetine 10mg (Ref: SSP01)
- GMC Support for GPs as Specialists
- General Practice Under Pressure – GMC workforce report published
- Medical Students in General Practice Underfunded
- GPC Newsletter
- Sessional GPC Newsletter