Bulletin 28.06.2011

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Bulletin 28.06.2011

Blue Badge Scheme Payments

Following a change in policy by the Department of Health, we can confirm that the four PCTs in Tees will continue to pay GPs for Blue Badge claims as a collaborative arrangement – not Local Authorities. In order to ensure efficient payment of these claims, can each practice submit to the relevant PCT a single monthly invoice for all Blue Badge claims. If practices could raise one invoice for the first quarter for April to June 2011, this will help the PCTs to clear the backlog outstanding as quickly as possible.

Care Pathways Indicators (QP6 – QP11)

Following a number of queries nationally asking whether the care pathways for Outpatient Referrals and Emergency Admissions indicators need to be new or not, we would like to issue the following clarification of the issue. There is some flexibility for practices to use developing pathways already in existence as long as they are in the development phase as far as the practice is involved. What you cannot do is to designate a pathway you already use as a “new” pathway for the purpose of QOF.

Patient Participation DES FAQs

These FAQs on the patient participation DES include links to online resources that practices might find helpful in meeting the requirements of the DES.

PSA Testing Event

Please be aware that an independent organisation are organising a prostate cancer awareness event on Thursday 30 June at the Middlesbrough TAD Centre. Whilst it is commendable that they are raising awareness, neither the LMC nor the PCT agree with planned PSA testing that is scheduled to take place at this event as we do not consider this an appropriate forum to carry out such testing without, at the very least, clinical advice./support present. We have expressed these views to the event organisers but they are proceeding with the testing. Any men tested will receive their results via post in the week following the event. Please be aware that you may see an increase of men presenting at your surgery as a consequence.

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