Bulletin 24.12.2013
Updated FAQs, 14/15 Contract
The GPC FAQs have now been updated to include some questions in relation to funding.
PMS Letter
NHS England has sent this letter to its Area Teams, confirming arrangements for the uplift for PMS practices relating to locum employer superannuation costs, which for those practices who have not already received it will need to be backdated to April 2013. This confirmation comes after a long period of lobbying from the GPC for this issue to be resolved. If you have not received this uplift, now this letter has been circulated, please email Janice.foster@tees.nhs,uk. The letter also refers to announcing wider steps on PMS in around a month’s time, linked to applying equitable funding to PMS practices. Again, the have been pushing for some time for a resolution to this issue, in order to provide more certainty to practices about their funding in the coming years. We will provide more information about this when it is available.
Reconciling GP Payments Guidance
NHS England has been working closely with stakeholders, including GPC, to tackle the issue of some GP practices experiencing difficulties receiving and reconciling payments. To help practices on payments, NHS England has published a new NHAIS Statement & NHS Shared Business Services Remittance Guide document, to highlight the improvements made to practice statements generated by the National Health Application and Infrastructure Services (NHAIS) system. The guidance is available on Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) website, but is only accessible to those on the NHS web.
Care.data, Important Information
In January 2014, every household in England will receive a leaflet from NHS England which will support practices with their public awareness raising activities. The leaflet will describe how information in medical records is used for purposes beyond the direct care of the patient, including the care.data programme. It is important that GP practices continue to raise awareness proactively with their patients about the ways in which patient information is used and shared beyond direct care. The content of the leaflet being sent to households is very similar to the leaflets provided to practices in September 2013 and will include the telephone number of a dedicated patient information line that will come into operation on 6 January. The BMA and patient representatives have been involved in the wording of both leaflets. GPs will receive an email communication shortly before the household leaflet drop. This will include a link to the leaflet and updated GP and patient FAQs. Once the leaflet has been delivered to households, patients will have a minimum of four weeks to read the leaflet and register their objection at the GP practice, if they wish to do so before the first extract begins. Extractions of GP data for care.data will begin in Spring 2014. We will keep you informed of developments. Background information and existing guidance are available here.
CQRS, Latest Bulletin
This latest CQRS bulletin was sent out to subscribers this week. The bulletin provides updates and information on the manual data entry for the Enhanced Services, QOF 2013/14 and preparation for year-end, reports available on CQRS and GPES awareness sessions. Following the simple guidance I provided, if you are still having problems with CQRS, be it the manual data entry or awaiting approval from the Area Team, please do email Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk and I will do my best to assist.
NHS England Audit of 084 Numbers
Area Teams were recently instructed to carry out audits of practice telephony arrangements by NHS England. This is to determine the scale of continuing non-compliance with regulations. As stated in the GPC guidance on the use of non-geographical numbers, practices that signed contracts with telecommunications providers prior to 1 April 2011 should have taken all ‘reasonable steps’ (as referred to in the regulations), with the support of their provider, to ensure practice telephony arrangements are compliant. It would not, however, be reasonable for practices to re-negotiate, vary or terminate these existing contracts (signed before 1 April 2011) if this meant a significant financial penalty. In these cases, the vast majority of telecomms providers are able to offer alternative solutions to ensure practice arrangements are compliant. Practices should only sign new or renewed contracts if the provider can assure them that the arrangements will comply with the regulations.
Prime Minister’s Challenge, Expressions of Interest Invited
On 1 October, the Prime Minister announced that there would be a new £50 million Challenge Fund to help extend access to general practice and stimulate innovative ways of providing primary care services. The Government has asked NHS England to lead the process of inviting expressions of interest and oversee the pilots. Details on how to apply to become a pilot site, the application criteria and timescales are all now available on NHS England’s website.
Charges for Occupational Health Vaccinations
Nationally, some GP trainees working in a general practice setting are being asked to pay for occupational health vaccinations. Under no circumstances should GP trainees or any other doctors in the NHS be required to pay for vaccinations where they are involved in direct patient care. This is outlined in the Department of Health ‘Green Book’ on immunisation against infectious disease (pages 83-90), which states:
“Employers need to be able to demonstrate that an effective employee immunisation programme is in place, and they have an obligation to arrange and pay for this service.” The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations also requires an assessment to be made (by an employer) of a range of hazardous substances, including “biological agents”, in order that suitable “control measures” can be implemented to minimise the risk. Where a risk has been identified and where effective vaccines are available these should be used as a method of control. The employer is required to make provision of the vaccines to staff who are not already immune. Section 9 of The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires that this be offered free of charge to staff. If you are a GP trainee and have been charged for occupational health vaccinations please contact Christopher Scott via cscott@bma.org.uk.
GP Trainee Subcommittee Newsletter
This GP Trainees Subcommittee’s winter newsletter includes, top tips for the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT), important information on charges for occupational health vaccinations, ‘to do’ list for GP trainees going on maternity leave and the details of the elected regional representatives.