Bulletin 23.09.2014

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Bulletin 23.09.2014

CQC Guidance Notes
Nigel Sparrow, CQC’s Senior National GP Advisor, has drafted a number of guidance notes aimed at tackling some of the common myths about CQC inspections of GP and out-of-hours services. The guidance notes covering clinical auditcurtainscarpets and hand washing may prove helpful in preparing for the new round of CQC inspections.

Prescription Direction Guidance
The GPC recently met with the Pharmaceutical Service Negotiating Committee (PSNC) and Pharmacy Voice to discuss issues in relation to prescription direction and would like to remind practices about the joint guidance. Prescription direction occurs where a patient is being directed by their GP practice to a certain pharmacy to have their prescription dispensed, or where practices have preferential arrangements for certain pharmacies, these would be seen as a breach of good practice.

Fluenz Tetra Restricted Orders
Please note the temporary restriction for orders of Fluenz® Tetra – at present orders are restricted to 50 doses (5 packs) per practice per week.  Further details available here.

Vaccine Update Newsletter
We would like to remind practices that they can subscribe, free of charge, to Public Health England’s ‘Vaccine Update’ newsletter. This is published monthly and contains useful updates on the latest developments in vaccines, and vaccination policies and procedures in England. The September issue – to subscribe just click on the link within the newsletter itself.

Update from RCGP on Resources to Support Doctors in Appraisal and Revalidation
The RCGP has recently developed a number of new revalidation resources and updated some of its existing resources. These include Version 9 of the RCGP Guide to the Revalidation of General Practitioners (the ‘Guide’), a number of mini-guides (‘toolkits’) designed to augment the Guide, an updated version of The Principles of GP Appraisal for Revalidation – originally published in 2008, and a revision to the Revalidation e-learning module. Version 9 of the Guide clarifies aspects of revalidation, including: variations in process between the four countries of the UK, the function of ‘suitable persons’ and the patient and colleague feedback process. Additionally the Review of Practice section has been significantly developed. The RCGP Revalidation Toolkits look in greater detail at the following elements of revalidation:

  • Colleague and Patient Feedback
    • Personal Development Plans
    • Significant Event Analysis
    • Complaints
    • Quality Improvement
    • Impact Credits.

The above resources are accessible via the RCGP’s Revalidation Guidance for GPs and CPD Credits and appraisal, and signposted from the newly launched Clarity & RCGP Appraisal Toolkit for GPs. The RCGP can answer revalidation queries at revalidation@rcgp.org.uk.

Prescribing Unlicensed Medicines
The GMC has confirmed that under European law, it is unlawful to prescribe an unlicensed or off-license medication in preference to a licensed one on the grounds of cost. Prescribers should ensure that when prescribing such a medication they are content that there are clinical rather than financial reasons for the prescribing decision. Where unlicensed or off-license medicines appear in an agreed patient pathway their position must be determined purely by their clinical properties, and licensed medicines should on no account be changed to unlicensed ones for financial reasons.

GP Earning & Expenses Enquiry Report 12/13 and Investment in general Practice 09/10 to 13/14
The Health and Social Care Information Group has published the GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiry Report 2012/13 along with Investment in general practice 2009/10 to 2013/14. This commentary summarises some of the key information on the EEQ and the Investment report. The main figure used in the EEQ report is now that of the average of combined GPs (contractor and salaried), rather than that for contractor GPs which has been the case formerly. The mean income before tax for combined GPs (contractor and salaried) in the UK in 2012/13 was £92,900 for those GPs working in either a GMS or PMS (GPMS) practice (compared to £94,200 in 2011/12, a decrease of 1.4% which is statistically significant). The median income before tax for combined GPs in the UK in 2012/13 was £89,300 compared to £91,200 in 2011/12, a decrease of 2.0%.

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