Bulletin 22.07.2014
LMC Conference Report 2014
The Report from the LMC Annual Conference 2014 is now available.
Spine 2 Transition 22 – 25 August
An upgrade to the NHS Spine service is scheduled on 22-25 August. The majority of GP practices will not be impacted by the transition, but weekend users of services such as Choose & Book, the EPS, General Practice Extraction Service, GP2GP and the SCR are advised to read the transition documents available here. The Spine 2 mailbox can also be contacted with any queries.
The NHS Spine provides the infrastructure that delivers access for GP practices to the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), and enables Smartcard logon and functionality. The Spine also controls the messaging between key applications, such as Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), Summary Care Record (SCR) and Demographics. The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) will be moving Spine from BT to a new platform called Spine 2, which has been developed and will be managed by the HSCIC.
GMC Guidance – Better Care for Older People
The GMC has launched a new online resource to help doctors challenge the stereotypes associated with older people and tackle the most common concerns older people have about their care. Resources include guidance, case studies, tips, tools and signposts for discussion with colleagues and to share with patients. To keep this content current and relevant and to respond to any new issues that arise, these resources will be continually updated and reviewed, with regular e-updates about these, to doctors and other subscribers – subscribe to updates here.
Local Health Profiles
Public Health England has published the 2014 local health profiles.The profiles present a picture of health in each local area in a format that’s easy to use. This valuable tool helps local government and health services to understand their communities’ needs, so they can improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities.