Bulletin 22.06.2021
Bulletin 22.06.2021
- New PCSE pay and pension system update
- Workload crisis
- GP appointment data
- Long-covid and weight management enhanced services
- Long COVID NHS plan for 2021/22
- PCN handbook
- Time to end NHSE/I directive letters
- COVID-19 vaccination programme
- Delay in roll-out of patient data sharing programme (GPDPR)
- BMA COVID-19 guidance
- Proposed changes to annual complaints collection (K041b form)
- Reminder: Deadline for THE EU SETTLEMENT Scheme – 30 June
- GPC UK and GPC England committee pages
- Specialist and Professional Committee elections
- BMA moral distress report launch
- Community Health and Wellbeing Worker at level 3 apprenticeship standard: demand scoping for employers
- Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) Occupational Health Awareness Week, 28 June – 2 July
- GPC GP Bulletin