Bulletin 21.04.2009

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Bulletin 21.04.2009

Improving Pharmaceutical Services guidance – World Class Commissioning
The DH has produced guidance for the NHS on how to commission Pharmaceutical Services on the back of last year’s Pharmacy White Paper. GPC and the Dispensing Doctors’ Association were consulted on the sections relating to dispensing doctors. The Guidance, and letter to CEOs from the Minister, Phil Hope MP, can be accessed through the following links.

Freedom of Information Act – GPC updated FAQs
Following the information provided in bulletin 5, by CLMC, in relation to the new publication scheme, please note that the GPC have updated their Freedom of Information Act 2000 frequently asked questions and these are available through this link as well as via the BMA website.

Video Clips on Pay Award and Q&A with GPC Chairman
The GPC have produced two online video clips with Laurence Buckman that are on BMAtv. The first deals with the 2009 pay award and the second is a Q&A with Laurence answering questions from GP members, including those on MPIG and salaried GPs. They are available through these links.

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