Bulletin 19.02.2013

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Bulletin 19.02.2013

LESs & the NHS Standard Contract
From April 2013 CCGs and local authorities will commission Local Enhanced Services. Public health services will be commissioned by local authorities and CCGs will commission all other LESs. These services will be called ‘community-based services’ and will be commissioned using the NHS Standard Contract. You can read more about the NHS Standard Contract here
These FAQs will be regularly updated so please send any questions you would like answered to Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk

Official Lease Documentation for Practices in PCT Owned Premises
It is imperative that arrangements between GP tenants and PCT landlords are officially documented and, as independent contractors, GPs should always seek their own expert legal advice before signing any type of commercial agreement such as a lease. Some lease agreements do attract stamp duty land tax (SDLT). The Department has informed the GPC that this will be a one-off payment, but may not apply in every case (consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis. GPs should, however, still seek advice from the practice accountant. SDLT can be very costly and can cause cash flow problems if, for instance, it is not given consideration before agreeing to move premises. SDLT will continue to be reimbursable via the 2013 Premises Costs Directions (up to 100%), but this will require PCT / Area Team approval as they have discretion on all new reimbursements provided for within the Directions. GPC understands that, following the transfer of premises ownership from PCTs, NHSPS plans to negotiate better deals on service charges for its premises estate. This could include utilities costs, cleaning, maintenance of communal areas etc. Finally, the Department of Health and the NHS Commissioning Board have decided that it is impractical to obtain official documentation for all PCT-owned premises before 1st April 2013 (i.e. the deadline for the transfer of ownership to NHS Property Services). The process will roll into the new financial year, providing adequate time to negotiate lease agreements or agree on suitable updates to existing leases.

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