Bulletin 19.01.2010

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Bulletin 19.01.2010

HMRC New Penalty Regime Briefing

Last week I sent some very important information from the GPDF regarding HM Revenue & Customs’ new powers, procedures and penalties. For ease it has now been loaded on our website here. We strongly recommend you read and take on board this information as errors in tax returns could have serious consequences, for both individual GPs and their practices. You must ensure that you are fully compliant or a likely consequence may be referral to a GMC Fitness-to-Practice hearing.

‘Your Surgery, Your Say’ poster and leaflets

Last year the government imposed several changes to the patient experience survey. A by-product of these changes was that some practices ended up losing a significant element of their funding, partially because of low response rates among patients. In order to help address this problem, GPC has developed the ‘Your Surgery, Your Say’ poster and leaflet for practices to display in their surgery.

The poster and leaflet explain what the practice is doing to offer patients the best possible access, and also explains how patients can give their views directly to the practice. The poster also reminds patients of the importance of completing the Government’s patient survey, and explains directly what many might not understand – that their practice’s funding depends on their responses. Copies of the poster and leaflet should have arrived at your practices on either Friday 15th January or Monday 18th January. Electronic copies of the poster and leaflet are available here where you can print additional copies for display.

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