Bulletin 18.06.2013

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Bulletin 18.06.2013

084 Numbers
Imminent Ofcom changes will mean that any bodies that use 08 revenue share phone numbers will be required to advertise the part of the call charge they receive wherever that number is published, so that consumers know what service charge the bodies receive from each call. Ofcom cannot tell any organisation which number to use, but are concerned that individual surgeries may not be aware of their forthcoming changes. The changes will come into effect in early 2015. As soon as Ofcom publish their final statement in the summer, the changes will occur exactly 18 months after that. We would like to remind GPs of this guidance on the use of 084 numbers. Practices should note that the regulations require them to satisfy themselves as to the cost of calls.

DVLA Survey
The DVLA have asked us to send a short online survey to practices on the questions about cognition which are currently used on DVLA questionnaires. This survey is entirely voluntary but if you would like to take part the link for this survey CLICK HERE. Please note: you need to read this NEURO2 questionnaire before you start the survey. The aim is to improve the DVLA questionnaires so that they best capture the necessary information to enable a correct licensing decision. This survey is being undertaken to canvas the views of GPs about the ‘red flag’ questions which are currently used on DVLA questionnaires, to determine what you anticipate is the effect of your answer to these questions on licensing decisions. The DVLA have asked for suggestions from you for additional ‘red flag’ questions the DVLA could ask which might help GPs to inform DVLA more comprehensively about your patient’s likely fitness to drive.

GPC Sessional GP Election Results
The results of the election to GPC’s Sessional GPs Subcommittee for 2013-2016 have been announced CLICK HERE. The North East Representative is salaried GP Paula Wright.

Premises Cost Directions Guidance (provided by Capsticks)
Capsticks have drafted some guidance with regard to the changes in the Premises Costs Directions. Cleveland LMC cannot recommend or promote the services of any one company/solicitor but believed practices may find this information useful. It looks at the reimbursement of GP practice premises costs, now dealt with by NHS England, and the Premises Costs Directions, which previously, under the 2004 Directions, dealt with reimbursement of premises costs to GPs but have been replaced and include a number of subtle but significant changes under the new 2013 Directions.

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