Bulletin 17.11.2015
Workforce Minimum Data Set (WMDS) & Bank Holidays
DoH and HSCIC have confirmed there is no requirement to enter bank holidays as absences in the WMDS. This will be made clearer in future WMDS guidance. They also confirmed that following each collection, all categories and options within those categories will be evaluated by the DoH and amended accordingly as part of the annual WMDS update – GPC continually highlight the workload burden on practices and will continue to push for a reduction in data items. Practice should be aware that the Primary Care Web Tool is permanently open to enable population of information, including absences, as and when they occur throughout the 6 month data collection period. Whilst this in itself is onerous it may be more manageable than inputting a lot of data in one sitting for some practices.
Cross Border and EU Healthcare
This briefing paper provides information on the cross-border EU healthcare directive for England and Wales.
GPC Sessional GP Newsletter
The latest edition of the sessional GPs e-newsletter is available to view.