Bulletin 17.04.2012

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Bulletin 17.04.2012

Anticipatory Prescribing for End of Life Care
The GPC Clinical and Prescribing subcommittee has published this guidance to clarify issues on anticipatory prescribing for end of life care. It includes an example of a drugs administration document used for ‘Just in Case’ boxes.

Prescription Charges
As you will be aware, from 1 April 2012, the prescription charges in England increased from £7.40 to £7.65. The BMA has repeated the call for prescription charges to be scrapped in England in line with the policy in the devolved countries. PCTs were informed via this letter from the Department of Health.

Business Continuity Plans
With an imminent fuel strike expected we would like to remind all practice of the need to ensure they have an up to date business continuity plan and give thought to how a fuel strike could impact on daily work e.g. home visits, difficulty for staff attending work. It may be worth dusting off buddying arrangements that were put in place for flu.

Change to Community Pharmacy New Medicine Service Payment Structure
NHS Employers and the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) have agreed changes to the community pharmacy new medicine service payment structure and have published  this  briefing document to explain these changes. It is hoped that the changes will fairly reward contractors and encourage them to deliver the service to the greatest number of patients. Further information is available here.

Interim Seniority Factors
Interim Seniority Factors for 2012/13 have been published as £96,646 for GMS GPs in England. Further details and an explanation of the methodology are available on the NHS Information Centre’s website.

What We Know So Far – NHS Reforms
Follow this series of new briefing papers and be informed on ‘what we know so far’ on a range of key topics related to the Government’s health reforms, and where questions remain unanswered. The titles in the series are:

  1. The NHS Commissioning Board
  2. Health and Social Care Act at a glance (produced by the Parliamentary Unit)
  3. Choice and any qualified provider
  4. New providers
  5. Foundation trusts
  6. Monitor and regulation
  7. Local accountability

Numbers 1 and 2 are new, and the rest have been updated to reflect any changes made in the last stages of the Bill becoming an Act. Each briefing has an accompanying 2-side executive summary.

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