Bulletin 16.06.2015
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Guidance
Health Education England has just produced an e-learning tool which had RCGP input and includes an introduction to FGM; communication skills for FGM consultations; legal and safeguarding issues regarding FGM in the UK; issues, presentation and management in children and young women; and issues, presentation and management in women and around pregnancy. Some of the material from this has been packaged into a DVD for GPs and has just been sent out to all GP practices in England in a ‘Female Genital Mutilation Resource Pack’ which includes:
Raising Awareness of Female Genital Mutilation – a training DVD developed by Health Education England
Female Genital Mutilation Risk and Safeguarding – Guidance for professionals
2 copies of the Patient Information Leaflet in English, available to order from DH Orderline in other languages and English. All language versions are available to download from NHS Choices.
2 copies of ‘A Statement Opposing Female Genital Mutilation’ also known as the FGM Health passport, available to order from Home Office or to download from NHS Choices
FGM Enhanced Dataset: Implementation Summary for GP Practices – for further information please visit the HSCIC website. Please note, all GP practices will be required to submit information under the Enhanced Dataset when treating patients who have FGM from October 2015.
Any questions about the resource pack should be directed to FGM@dh.gsi.gov.uk.
The BMA’s Medical Ethics department are currently in the process of updating the BMA’s FGM Guidance of 2011 but are awaiting the secondary legislation on mandatory reporting and the FGM statutory guidance consultation.
Please visit the diary dates page to find details on a FREE workshop to be held in Middlesbrough 30 June which practices may find helpful.
Paramedic2, Funded Trial in the North East
We have been advised the University of Warwick are working in partnership with NEAS (and other Ambulance Service Trusts across the UK) on the Prehospital Assessment of the Role of Adrenaline: Measuring the Effectiveness of Drug administration In Cardiac arrest. This is a Department of Health National Institute of Health Research funded trial and has been approved by the South Central Oxford C Research Ethics Committee (14/SC/0157). Organisers have asked practices to display this poster and leaflet in waiting rooms or on notice boards so members of the public can be made aware that this trial is taking place. If possible they would also like practices to consider putting information through their TV screen (these slides could be used). The first slide is animated, so feel free to remove the animations if preferable and the second slide is purely an image of the poster. Please use whichever you feel would be best. Hard copies have also been sent directly to practices and pharmacies in the area.
Sessional GP Newsletter
The June edition of the sessional GP enewsletter focuses on the recent LMC Conference. It also features news and information aimed at supporting sessional GPs as well as blogs from sessional GPs, including one from Dr Mark Selman on his experience working in OOH supervising GP Trainees.