Bulletin 15.09.2009

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Bulletin 15.09.2009

Local Involvement Networks (LINks)

The BMA has produced these FAQs to provide information to practices on the introduction of Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and how this will affect GPs and practices in England. The information is also available on the BMA website.

European Medical Directory

Scam alert! Yet again the physician therapist guide has reincarnated itself and is trying to get your cash. We refer you to the original GPC warning (see bulletin 16 further down this page) re the organisation behind it known as Novachannel and/or Med1web but the short and simple advice – don’t sign unless you have checked out the company and crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s.

GP Access & Responsiveness Workshops

A series of workshops, supported by the RCGP and BMA, are being planned to support practices with access and responsiveness. Please help to shape them by clicking here and completing the short survey. All the data is anonymous and results are automatically captured electronically. The same set of questions will be used in a survey via Management in Practice, to capture practice manager views.

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