Bulletin 15.03.2022
Bulletin 15.03.2022
- GP contract negotiations and future of general practice
- GP contract 22/23 – guidance for practices
- Safe working in general practice
- Meeting with Secretary of State and NHS health care reforms
- Policy Exchange report on the future of general practice
- Tees Valley Primary Care Training Hub Newsletter
- Training post shortage – Offer of support to establish additional posts for GP Trainees in Primary care settings, Deadline 24 March
- GPCE executive team changes
- Data on the pressures facing general practice
- BMA successfully challenges threatening letters from solicitors
- NHSPS service charges dispute update – trial dates
- Kings Fund report on Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)
- Guidance for 2022/23 seasonal flu vaccination programme
- Mandatory vaccinations for healthcare staff to be revoked
- Pneumococcal vaccine claims
- Smoking Cessation service
- Sessional GPs committee regional elections