Bulletin 14.09.2010
NHS White Paper, GP Consortia Commissioning: initial observations
The GPC has now published GP consortia commissioning: initial observations, which contains a set of principles and practical observations that GPs and LMCs should consider when beginning to explore how White Paper proposals should be put into practice. This is the fourth in a series of GP White Paper guidance papers. It can be found here
Follow up information, 9 September event; GP Commissioning in Tees
Many thanks to everyone who attended the event and ensured it was a success. The discussion groups were certainly active and there were a lot of valuable views and information collected. We will share this information once it is all pulled together along with plans on how we are now going to take this forward. An electronic version of the information contained in the packs along with the 2 presentations, the LMC questionnaire on commissioning and an additional 2sided brief on the White Paper has been sent to all practice managers to share with their GPs. If you have not received this please contact the LMC office. Janice Foster at the LMC will contact all the practices who were unable to send a representative to arrange a date to visit the practice and run through the information. If you would like to arrange a meeting with Janice to discuss any elements of the event or GP commissioning going forward please do not hesitate to call 01642 737 627 or email janice.foster@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk
This is a very important time for the health economy and practices so it is vital that we hear your views and the LMC is more than happy to facilitate and assist however possible.
Reminder, Sessional GP Subcommittee Elections
The deadline for nominations for election to the GPC Sessional GPs subcommittee is Friday 17 September 2010 – please ensure that all sessional GP receive this message and are encouraged to respond if they are interested and have not done so already. Completed nomination forms should be sent to the GPC office to arrive by 5pm on Friday 17th September and if elected, candidates will take up their seats on the subcommittee in November 2010 and serve for three BMA sessions, until summer 2013. You can find out more about the elections and download a nomination form here
The subcommittee represents all salaried and freelance GPs. Major changes have been made to the subcommittee this year, following the report of the Sessional GPs representation working group. The subcommittee is now much larger, with sixteen members, instead of eight, it will meet more frequently, have an executive committee to handle day to day work, and will have a much stronger presence on the General Practitioners Committee (GPC).