Bulletin 13.10.2009
Pandemic Flu – new version of guidance
The Department of Health are preparing a range of materials for GPs including a new Immunisation Green Book chapter, fact sheet, Q&A, consent template, Patient Group Directive (PGD) template and patient vaccine invitation letters. Training materials to support NHS staff are also being developed. A new version of the joint GPC/RCGP/DH flu guidance Pandemic influenza – Guidance for GP practices is available here.
Pandemic Flu – H1N1 vaccination staff training video
The Department of Health has published a training video to show Health Care Professionals how to prepare the H1N1 vaccines for adults prior to administration. The video provides information about the two different brands of H1N1 swine flu vaccine (by GSK and Baxter) and shows how to draw up each vaccine, with some important differences between the two products:
- One vaccine requires mixing; the other does not.
- The DH still awaits conformation whether one or two doses of each product are needed.
- The two vaccines are not interchangeable so everyone must receive the same product for each dose.
- Use the dose-sparing syringes with fixed needles provided by the DH.
The video can be accessed here.
Pandemic Flu – Swine Flu clinical packages
The swine flu clinical package, which is a set of tools for use by frontline healthcare professionals during a pandemic is now available here. This has been updated to reflect changes in the guidance on the use of antibiotics and on oseltamivir prescribing in young.
Pandemic Flu – Additional guidance to meet workforce supplies during a pandemic flu.
The Department of Health has also published the document Pandemic influenza: additional measures to meet workforce supply . It is available here.
GMC Introducing the Licence to Practise – 16 November 2009
You will all be aware that with effect from 16th November 2009 doctors will need to be licensed to continue to perform Primary Medical Services or other clinical work both within the NHS and in a private capacity. This will mean that any doctor who is not licensed on 16th November cannot see patents and to do so will be a criminal offence, and breach of the Practice’s NHS contract. Practice Managers/contract holders are asked to confirm to the NEFHSA that all GPs in their practice have provided evidence to demonstrate that they have obtained a Licence to Practice from the GMC. NEFHSA can be contacted on 0191 333 3275.
An essential information pack for organisations that employ doctors produced by the GMC is available for download by practices here. The information pack aims to help employers prepare for the introduction of the licence to practise, which is the first step towards revalidation, the biggest change to medical regulation in 150 years. The pack explains how organisations can go online to check the GMC status of their doctors and provides information about important changes the GMC is making to the certificates it issues to doctors.