Bulletin 13.03.2012

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Bulletin 13.03.2012

Pension Update
This brief summary will help ensure you are up to date on this important issue:

• Roadshow dates have been published, mass-emailed to members, and publicised on the front page of BMA News. Details are also on our Diary Dates page.
• The e-petition now has almost 28,000 signatories
• A timeline has been added to the BMA pensions web-pages to show the history and background of the changes and associated BMA activity
• A new “mythbuster” is being published on the BMA website shortly
• The government has published its ‘Proposed Final Agreement’ on the pension changes – a response has been prepared and is being published shortly on the BMA website
• Detailed planning for the next phase of activity is underway

QOF Guidance 12/13
This QOF guidance for 2012/13 has been produced jointly by GPC and NHS Employers and forms part of the GMS contract changes for 2012-13 as from 1 April 2012. Further information on QOF is available here.

Talking Health
In the run up to the UK Council elections, the BMA are launching a new microsite, Talking Health, aimed at encouraging doctors and medical students to get more involved in shaping the work of the BMA. Talking Health will enable members and non-members to give views on the key challenges facing them in their everyday working lives. It will also provide further information about the upcoming BMA UK Council elections including, from Monday 19 March, details of the candidates. Please feel free to leave comments in the areas that you are interested in, and to forward the site to your colleagues. If you are on twitter then use the #tlkhealth hashtag to join the debate.

CQC Reminder
We are aware that some private organisations are approaching practices and so we would, once again, like to draw your attention to this joint statement issued by CQC and the BMA: There is no need for practices to purchase expensive software or consultancy services in order to register with the CQC. Most practices delivering good quality care will already be meeting the majority, if not all, of the essential standards.

Final Seniority Payments 08/09
The Final Seniority Factors for GMS GPs in England and Wales for 2008/09 have been published by the NHS Information Centre. The figures are £92,955 for England.

GP Health
We would like to remind practices of the GP Health service that is available to all GPs, practice managers and practice staff in Tees. GP Health is a free and confidential health and wellbeing service, offering counselling, mentoring and psychiatric help to GPs, dentists, practice managers, nurses and practice staff in the Tees Valley Area. Further details are available here.

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